
Workshops and conferences: Nonequilibrium Physics at Short Time Scales

Program of past workshops

Correlations and transport in one-dimensional structures
(July 4, 2019 - July 6, 2019)
Program WEBpage
11. Finite Systems in Nonequilibrium:
From Quantum Quench to the Formation of Strong Correlations
(September 10, 2017 - September 30, 2017)
Program and abstracts
10. Ultracold Quantum Gases Beyond Equilibrium (September 27th - October 1st, 2010)
Novel approaches to pairing and condensation (October 02 - 04, 2009) Program and abstracts
9. Nonequilibrium Nanostructures (NONNA08) Abstracts, Program
8. Off-shell effects in quantum transport (STS2003) Program
7. Formation of Correlations (STS2002) Program and abstracts
6. STS2000
5. STS1998
4. STS1997
3. STS1996
2. STS1995
1. STS1994
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