CV Klaus Morawetz

CV Klaus Morawetz

1963 born in Rostock, Germany, mathematical high-school (Abitur) in Berlin
1984--89 study at University of Rostock, Germany
1992 PhD Thesis: Properties of partially ionized Hydrogen-plasma in high electric fields
1992-1997 research associate in group Theoretical Many- Particle Physics of Max-Planck Institute Heidelberg
1995 post-doctoral stay at Tennessee TEC (Cookeville), University of Arizona (Tuscon) and NSCL (Lansing), U.S.A.
1998 Scientific associate at University of Rostock, department of Physics
Visiting fellow at LNS-INFN Catania 1997, NSRL Rochester 1998
1998 Habilitation at University Rostock: Kinetic equation for strongly interacting Fermi systems
1999-2000 LPC Caen (France) invited scientist
2000& Qualification aux fonctions de professeur des universites (France)
2000-2003 MPI Physics of Complex Systems Dresden
2003-2007 Lecturer at Chemnitz University of Technology, (C2)
2008 Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf
2008 Guest professor at ICCMP/Brasilia, since 2010 IIP/Natal in Brazil
2009 Professor for Mathematics and Theoretical Many-Body Physics at Münster University of Applied Sciences


149 total
11 monographs (2), books (2), edited books (4), chapter in books (5)
112 in refereed journals\newline (60 Phys.Rev.A,B,C,E; 6 Phys.Rev.Lett./rap.comm.)
37 conference proceedings
17/17 & years of publication/Hirsch-number
appr. 10/year& referee reports (Phys. Rev. B,C,E, Lett., J. of Phys.)
200 talks, 140 posters
workshops on nonequilibrium physics at short time scale
extensive teaching