(Foto: FH Münster/Wilfried Gerharz)
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New book

Oxford University Press 2017
Klaus Morawetz

Addresses Münster University of Applied Sciences,
Department Applied Physics

Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Germany
International Institute of Physics (IIP)
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Av. Odilon Gomes de Lima 1722, 59078-400 Natal, Brazil
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme
Nöthnitzer Str. 38,01187 Dresden, Germany

Telefon +(49) 2551 962 411 (FH Münster)
Telefax +(49) 2551 962 811
Email morawetz@fh-muenster.de

Curriculum vitae (ps-file: engl. ) (pdf-file: engl. )

List of publications/talks/poster (ps-file: engl. ) (pdf-file: engl. )

Available paper

Available books,     One-page overview (pdf-file)

Research topics,     Cooperations (gif-file)

Poster gallery

current one: Correlations and transport in one-dimensional structures (July 4, 2019 - July 6, 2019)

International working group (Advanced study group 2001-2005):
Formation of correlations and superconductivity

International working group (2009-2011):
Nonequilibrium Nanostructures

Current Lectures:
Lecture: Mathematics IA

Lecture: Mathematics IB

Lecture: Mathematics II

Lecture: Mathematics III

Lecture: Statistical Physics

Lecture: Theoretical Optics (Engl.), Vorlesung: Theoretische Optik (Germ.)

Former Lectures:
Lecture: Quantum Theory II (Quantum Statistics, Many-Body Theory)

Lecture: Quantum Theory II (QED, Introduction to Field Theory)

Compact seminar: Gauge Field Theory

Exercises (Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Continuum mechanics, Field Theory, Percolation)

Eine neue Reformation der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland - 10 Thesen

Ring lecture: Aspects of Time (Studium Generale TU-Dresden)

Talks at schools and teachers education

© Klaus Morawetz