
279. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
Formation of Correlations

(Nonequilibrium Physics at Short Time Scales VII)

June 24-28, 2002 at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

supported by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung
This interdisciplinary workshop provides the possibility for presenting and exchanging progress in the description of nonequilibrium phenomena at short time scales. The important questions concern memory-effects and correlation in dense interacting systems which are currently much investigated in various areas of physics. Especially, experiments on very short time scales are characterized by strong correlations far from equilibrium, nonlinear dynamics and the related phenomena of turbulence and chaos. Therefore conventionally applied theoretical techniques should be critically reviewed and new theoretical concepts need to be developed. Possible signals of nonequilibrium in experiments shall be discussed. An exchange of views and techniques from different areas of physics will stimulate such developments.

Scientific organization: Pavel Lipavský and Klaus Morawetz
Fee: 200 € for full board and lodging (support possible for young participants)
Poster space will be available throughout the whole workshop in order to facilitate discussions
Register for the Workshop
Deadline for registration: 1 April 2002 (extended)
Program STS2002 and abstracts (ps-file)
Program of past workshops
STS2000, STS1998, STS1997 STS1996, STS1995, STS1994
Last update: Jun 13 2002, Klaus Morawetz